Travel Log: St. Croix State Park

posted in Camping by Crystal on 7/8/2013 at 5:58 PM

Visited: 07/05/2013 to 07/07/2013
Weather: Sunny, humid and hot. Rain on Saturday

We were quite excited for our first camping trip of the season, but were quite disappointed to arrive at this park. The park has minimal trees and our campsite felt to be out in the wide open. We were also disappointed to hear that one of the Target Field trees planted here had been killed during a wind storm.

On Saturday, we hiked the Hiking Club trail, which earned us our 25 mile patch. Our hike had also earned us dozens of ticks, so we spent some time removing those. That afternoon our friend Andrew joined us and we ventured out on the St. Croix River in his canoe, which was Jason's first canoe experience. Millions of mosquitoes invaded us and I managed to fall into the river. That night, we dined over burgers and chicken sausages while staying up and drinking late into the night.


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