Travel Log: Glacial Lakes State Park

posted in Camping by Crystal on 8/5/2013 at 6:08 PM

Visited: 08/02/2013 to 08/04/2013
Weather: Pleasant, mid 70s, cool at night

We got off to a late start as I got stuck at work, but we arrived to the park around 8:00 PM. The park ranger we met was very intrigued by our State Park travels and we discovered we aren't the only ones who have "rules" about the Passport Club. There were trees aplenty here, but there were very close quarters in the campground. We were surrounded by loud families, which was disappointing.

On Saturday, we hiked a trail and then went to the very tiny beach. It was too crowded to swim, so we laid in the sun and read books. It was a mostly relaxing weekend until that evening. A park ranger had to settle an argument in a nearby campsite and at around 1:00 AM, we awoke to raccoons trying to make off with our tupperware container of food. They had dragged it off the table and about five feet before we finally realized what the racket was.


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